Why My Marketing Will Be Different in 2022

As we make our way into the New Year, it’s time to reflect back on 2021 and make a plan for our brands and businesses for 2022. When doing an annual review, most businesses focus on the bottom line and how much money they made - but it should really be more than that. We should focus on our achievements and downfalls outside of finances too! Information is key when making a roadmap for your 2022 marketing plan. What worked? What didn’t? What will you change? What will stay the same?

When making your plans for 2022, you need to do a full year-end audit. Maya Angelou said it best, “You can’t really know where you are going until you know where you have been.” Here are a few things you should plan to evaluate from 2021.

  • Your messaging and language. 

  • Your connection with your audience. 

  • Your current social media platforms.

  • Your advertising and email marketing.

...and your overall happiness with what you have achieved.

You might be surprised by the results!!!

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InstagramKatie Steckly