The Beginner's Guide to Making Money as a Creator Online

If you’re interested in becoming a content creator, but you’re not sure how you can monetize it or turn it into a sustainable income, then you better press play in this episode, because this one is for you!


So many people are intrigued by the idea of becoming a creator - and it’s no surprise, some of the most trendy pop culture icons of our time started as or are currently content creators - Emma Chamberlin, Charlie D’Amelio, Mr Beast, the Paul brothers - the list goes on.

And the coolest part is, being a professional creator doesn’t have to mean being the most famous person on the planet. More and more regular people like you and me are making an income creating content for the internet.

Just yesterday I was listening to a podcast by some of my favourite creators, Colin and Samir, they were talking about how they think that 2020 was the year of the rise of the working class creator, and I think that’s so true.

Now more than ever, there are thousands of people making a go of it online. It doesn’t necessarily mean everyone is a millionaire, but I don’t think that’s what we need to aim for. You don’t need to be Emma Chamberlin to make content that you love and earn a reasonable income from it. I don’t’ know about you, but I’m not in this online entrepreneurship thing to become a crazy millionaire - I’m in it to do work that is meaningful to me, and earn enough money to sustain a life that I love.

So if that resonates with you, I know you’re going to find this episode helpful. We’re going to dive into the complete beginner’s guide to making money as a content creator online.

press play to hear more!