How to achieve your new year goals (for real this time!)

Happy new year! Are you ready to tackle 2021 and make all your biggest dreams come true? 🙌🏻


We’ve all been there - bright eyed and bushy tailed at the beginning of a new year making big plans for our businesses. And we’ve also all been there, mid-May, looking back and wondering what happened to all those ideas we had. Life gets busy, and it’s always easier to keep doing what you’ve always been doing. Avoiding change is just human nature. 

So, today I’m going to share my best advice and strategies for actually implementing those goals - how I’ve done it in the past and how I plan to do it in the new year. I think we’re all ready for a change after the wild ride that was 2020, and so we all look towards the new year with hope. And I hope that this can be year to go after your social media and business goals, and I’ll be there with weekly advice, here on Creator Club, every step of the way.

Start by developing goals that are actually what you want 

How many times have you written down “get healthy” or “double my instagram followers” as a new year goal? Okay, I’ve done it a million times too. But how often do you stop to ask if that’s actually what you want to pursue? There are so many external pressures about how we should act, look, how many followers we should have or how much money we should make. It’s so important to reflect and look inward to figure out if the goals you’re writing down are actually your own, or if they are society’s goals for you

Decide on reasonable timelines for these goals

Not to be cliche and talk about SMART goals for the one millionth time, but seriously, having a timeline in mind for your goals is essential to making them happen. Otherwise, it is way too easy to put them off and never get around to doing what you know you want to do. A year is a long time - maybe some of these goals make more sense to tackle later in the year. Maybe you actually want to finish some before the end of the year. Think about what timelines make the most sense for you, rather than just defaulting to “new year resolutions”

Make a tangible plan to tackle the tasks that will help you achieve your goals

Having goals is great - but having tasks is what makes them happen. Break each of your goals down into smaller to-do list items and then actually schedule time into your calendar to do these tasks.

The most important step in achieving your goals

You might not see this one coming - but the most important thing you can do to achieve your goals this year is not to wake up every day at 5AM, or make your life more efficient by only ever wearing one outfit, or doing some other crazy “CEO” style routine - rather, the best thing you can do is just be patient. Once you’ve implemented the above goals, the only thing left to do is to be patient, and persistent. Give yourself the amount of time you really need to achieve your goals and don’t get down on yourself if you’re not an overnight success. Newsflash: no one is! Just keep going, and you will eventually see results.

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