My Instagram Strategy for 2021 EXPOSED

Happy new year! Are you ready to tackle 2021 and make all your biggest dreams come true? 🙌🏻


Another year, another strategy for Instagram growth! While truly every day is a chance for a new beginning, there’s something about a new year that just feels right - and I’m so excited to start trying out some new strategies on Instagram.

I don’t know what 2020 looked like for your business, but for me, it was such a huge opportunity for growth and learning. I started out 2020 with one assistant, shout out to Taylor, if you’ve been listening to the show for a while you’ve heard me talk about her before, she’s the best. And now I’ve just ended the year with a team of 6 in addition to myself - the client side of my business has grown a lot which has demanded a lot of my attention. And so, Instagram has kind of fallen to the wayside. So now, with a fresh new year start, I’m ready to put so much more love and effort into one of my favourite platforms.

Today we’re going to talk through my exact strategy for Instagram in 2021 - what content I’ll be creating, how often I’m posting, and what my engagement strategy looks like. I know this episode is going to be a fun one so keep on listening!

Start by figuring out what your goals for your Instagram are

Every good Instagram strategy starts with goals, so in this episode, it’s important that I tell you about mine before we dive into the exact strategy. You can’t just copy and paste the “perfect” strategy from another creator, rather, you need to think specifically about what tactics are going to benefit your brand or business. Are you trying to generate leads for the services you provide? Are you trying to sell digital products? Maybe you’re just focused on growing an audience that’s engaged. No matter what your goal is, take that into consideration when you start to plan your strategy, or else you might find yourself accidentally working towards someone else’s goals when you use their Instagram strategy.

My approach to Instagram Feed content in 2021

One word: REELS. Okay, more like five words: reels, shareable graphics, vulnerable captions. These will be the focus of my content strategy this year. Reels are not going anywhere and it remains one of (or maybe THE) best ways to increase your organic reach on Instagram. I’m personally going to be aiming to post a reel every week day. In addition to my intense reels schedule, I’m also going to be posting a shareable graphic, and a more personal post every week as well. That means that twice a week, I’ll actually be posting twice! I’m really excited to see how this impacts my growth (I think the reels are going to be significant) and I will definitely be reporting back in a few months to give you a more full picture of the outcomes.

My Approach to Instagram Story content in 2021

I’ll be honest: I’m still figuring out what the perfect frequency for stories is (listen to the full episode for some behind-the-scenes algorithm insights!) but I know that staying consistent and appearing in your follower’s story feeds regularly is an important part of any growth strategy. My main goal for 2021: make sure that every story has a purpose. Don’t just post for the sake of it, make sure that you have something to say.

Don’t forget about live streams

While I would recommend that live streams make up about 10% of your content strategy, it’s important that you don’t forgo them altogether. Lives can be a really great way to connect with your audience in a more intimate way, build relationships, and sell to them when the time is right. My personal goal for 2021 is to do live streams once a week to ensure I’m regularly connecting with my audience.

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